
BioSciTech LLC is a biological science and technology company that is focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in both the industrial and academic sectors. We provide wide range of Research & Development (R&D) services, consulting and contracting. Our mission is to provide scientific solutions for both the academic and industrial sectors.  If you want to contact us, please fill the contact form on our website.


BioSciTech has PhD, MS and BS level scientists in all areas of molecular science (e.g., physics, chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology), including molecular structure and dynamics instrumentation for R&D.


About us

Current areas of R&D expertise and projects include:


  • Amorphous Pharmaceuticals
  • Quantum Materials and Quantum Computation
  • Chemistry of Cannabinoids
  • Magnetic Resonance (NMR and MRI)
  • Molecular Structure and Dynamics